
lavage ​colonics & ​Wel​lness

Relax your mind and ​body.

Relate to the present.​ Release anything that ​you cannot control.

About our spa

Our goal is to help you on your journey to achieve ​optimal health. We use the LIBBE Open System ​colon​ hydrotherapy device.

take a tour

Our services

Practitioner at Colon Therapy Massaging Abdomen

Colon Hydrotherapy

Cleansing the large ​intestine using carbon ​filtered, ultraviolet ​purifie​d water

Infrared Sauna

Highly effective ​detoxification using ​light​ to make heat

Benefits of Colonics

partial view of woman holding paper made large intestine on grey background

Approved ​preparation for ​cleansing before a ​colonoscopy

Assists in ​elimination ​through natural ​peristalsis

Promotes the ​loosening and ​elimination of ​waste

Helps with ​constipation and ​supports hydration ​of the colon

White Flowers at a Spa

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Muscle Recovery

Better Sleep





Our treatment packages


Single Se​ssion


slim woman good health digestion


3 Colonics $210.0​0

6 Colonics $39​0.00

12 Colonics ​$720.00

solo infrare​d sauna

30​ minute session



Colon Hydrotherapy (also ​referred to as colonics) uses ​water for inner cleansing. A ​soothing flow of purified ​water is instilled gently into ​the colon through a small ​disposable nozzle.rectal tube. ​The system is designed to ​allow evacuation of the ​contents of the colon. The ​pressure, temperature, and ​flow of water are all safely ​regulated throughout the ​session.


A contraindication is a specific ​health condition in which a ​procedure, treatment, or surgery is ​inadvisable, as it may be harmful to ​the health of the patient. The ​following conditions are ​contraindications for Colon ​Hydrotherapy:

Abdominal Hernia, Surgery, or ​Distension, Acute Liver Failure, ​Anemia, All Types of Aneurysms, ​Cancer, Cardiac Conditions, Crohn’s ​Disease, Colitis, Dialysis Patients, ​Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis, Fissures ​and Fistulas, Hemorrhoidectomy, ​Intestinal Perforations, Lupus, ​Pregnancy, Rectal/Colon Surgery, ​Renal Insufficiencies



The colon (large intestine) ​receives food from the small ​intestine after the food has ​been liquified by the digestive ​process and most of the ​nutrients have absorbed. The ​colon has been referred to as ​the sewer system of the body. ​Every person is different but ​having a bowel movement ​daily or several times weekly is ​typical. If the colon isn’t ​working properly, the body ​can’t eliminate waste.

Our Policies

We value the opportunity to assist you in your journey to optimal gut health. Appointment slots are ​limited. If you are not on time your session will be reduced to the time that you have left.

All packages must be paid in full and expire one year after purchase. No refunds can be given. If you ​purchase a package and decide that you no longer want to continue receiving services, the remaining ​services can be transferred to a friend or family member.

All sales are final.

This website is not intended as a substitute for advice and treatment of a licensed medical ​Professional. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug ​Administration and are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Consult ​your healthcare provider. The Lavage Colonics & Wellness website is presented for educational ​purposes and the free exchange of information in relation to health and wellness only.

Illustration of Lotus Flower

lavage ​colonics & ​Wellness

Get in touch


(919) 437-7323​




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